
Friday, January 8, 2021

Random Things

 Hi friends! 

My  Birthday flower is now blooming! Has one more to bloom to bloom  out!

Nearly finished off another painting. Going to put frames on my list to finish one and hang it.

A towel my baby Sis fount for me.

Covid 19 keep me from attending Michael and Ashley's wedding so they gave us a picture.

We made a apt. to get our vaccine next week!  Sis was teasing me I might grow horns but we will see.

Gave one quilt this year to my sister-in-law. Christmas just wasn't right but maybe next year.

stay safe




Julierose said...

Very pretty amaryllis bloom!!
Nice that you have a lovely picture...hugs, Julierose

sewyouquilt2 said...

Love your flower so pretty. Dunkin doesnt allow flowers in the house.he eats them. Nice picture and nice gesture to give you that.i am trying to focus on what i CAN do instead of helps me stay positive.

Chatty Crone said...

Your bloom is pretty.
Your photo is pretty too - nice couple.
Christmas did seem different.
I am going to get the vaccine too although I don't want to.
Say you redid you blog.
You have advertisers now?

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

Gorgeous flower!...WOW