
Monday, January 30, 2012


my mother-in-law is gone now but years ago she labored long and hard over these grandmaws garden  blocks. look at the tiny stiches. there are bunches of these that i wont to make into something for her grandgirls, there are 4 girls. i though maybe a set of pillows with this centered for their birthdays, still thinking on that. they are my step-daughters. my hubbys girls, i have a boy and a girl left, years ago i had 4 kids but that seems like another life now . lost my oldest boys in 84 and 2001. my first husband in 88. and married my hubby in 97. have had nearly 15 years of a wonderful marriage. i thank god every day for him. we lost his mother last year but she had been in the rest home for 11 years, she didn't know us but she new we belonged to her. she was 91 when she died . her husband had been dead for 11 years. but i can just see her working so hard in the blocks.  goodnite friends


Starwood Quilter said...

Imagine how thrilled she would be to know that you're making something with her blocks!

barbara woods said...

i hope her grandgirls will be just as thrilled

Wendys Hat said...

Lucky you! I love this!

Binsa said...

Looking forward to seeing what you make with the grandmaws flower gardens block.....Warm Regards, O'faigh