happy New year my friends . My computer is still in the shop , pray that I can get it out this week.I really miss all of you so much...I have just found a way to blog it want take my password on the site where it does on my computer. so you may not hear from me until I get it back . love and miss you all quilt.happy
Monday, December 31, 2012
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Blue quilt
Hi friends!
I have all of my center of my quilt, all quilted and ready for the borders. I'm going to put a border of white and then a wider border of a blue that goes with this.
And then i am adding a long line of quilt blocks down two sides and maybe across the bottom. i use every thing in my quilt's and this one is for our bed.
Still experimenting on doing it all on my machine. It's a cheap [300 dollar ] one and it's all i can afford!
Still having problems with my computer so if i disappear you will know what happened.
Next week is my one year blogaversary so i am having a giveaway. Don;t forget to tune in then!
Got to get some more sewing done. Love you all! merry christmas Quilt happy
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Christmas pot holders
Hi friends!
Getting ready to rain and turn cold here. The temps have been in the 60th .
I made a christmas pot holder, making a few more before the big day.
We had christmas with my kids sunday. Daughter got me a whole lot of sewing stuff and son and daughter-in-law got me the new kindle fire to read on. Son remembers me reading a lot while he was growing up and i still do.
I have great kids.I am very proud of them both!!!
Both went Thur a lot to get where they are. I guess losing two just makes you appreciate the ones you have left more.
My computer has been having fits so i may have to put it in the shop. If i disappear you will know what happened.
Merry christmas to all my follower and i hope you all have the best christmas ever. Quilt happy
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Monday, December 17, 2012
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Friday, December 14, 2012
Hi friends!
don't forget our giveaway. i will pick tomorrow night or sunday night.
We are having christmas with my kids this weekend.
Pray for all the parents that lost children and all the familys involved.
That is the worst pain in this world , losing a child, whether they are little or grown.
I don't know what is wrong with our people that just go crazy, maybe it's drugs. But whatever it is we need to fix it.
Have a good weekend friends. Quilt Happy
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Christmas tree
Hi friends!
Beautiful sunny day!
I am going to take you on a tour of my christmas tree.
The tree skirt is a red throw with christmas patches that i bought at daughter's in laws father's store years ago. They closed them up a few years, and he started a construction company. Of course he owns most of our town so he works on the building's that he owns and rents them out. But at that time he had stores all over the south. and he sold christmas ornies alone with all kinds of art and supplies.
That candle was painted by my son that got killed in a car wreck in 1984 when he was 13. it has gone on my trees every sense..
The gold one is the first christmas hubby and i were married, i got one with our names and the year.
The last is some of my pitiful efforts at prettying up plain glass balls.. i made several of those with puff paint and glue and glass jewels.
I have a small tree that was my oldest son's that i put up in the bedroom window every year in honer of him. He died in 2001.
Well that's my christmas story . Hope all your christmas dreams come true.
Quilt Happy
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
'Christmas time's a coming'
Hi friends!
Beautiful but cold! My brother came over this morning and when he got ready to leave we stood outside talking to him and i nearly froze.
The wind chill is in the 30ths.
My machine sews like a dream! Pray that it will last me a few years. It sews so much better than the singer. It had been forty years sense i had had a new one and i just accepted that they sewed like that. When i got the singer it would keep on sewing when you lifted your foot off the petal. Last sat. i was sewing alone and it started beeping and stopped sewing. We never could get it to sew a lick again.
My first husband bought me a sewing machine in the 60ths and i used it till about 10 years ago when it went out. Then my sis gave me her old one and the thread would never stay in the tension. you would sew two inches and it would jump out. So i just about quit sewing.
But i am cooking with gas now!!!!
Going to play now . Have a great day. Quilt Happy
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Christmas present
blog hop giveaway
Click on the above link to go to my blog hop giveaway!
Hi friends!
Look what [my baby] santa brought me for Christmas.
My very own janome!!!! I hope it's good!!! My singer's brain fried. I had had it 1 year and 2 months so it's over the warranty.
I am going to send them a' nice' e-mail........
Have a great sewing day1 I am going to try out my new sewing machine. Quilt Happy
Click on the above link to go to my blog hop giveaway!
Hi friends!
Look what [my baby] santa brought me for Christmas.
My very own janome!!!! I hope it's good!!! My singer's brain fried. I had had it 1 year and 2 months so it's over the warranty.

Have a great sewing day1 I am going to try out my new sewing machine. Quilt Happy
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Blog hop with giveaways
Hi friends! Beautiful day for a party!!
It's time for quilting gallery's 5th birthday of blog hop party's and i am in!! or go to quilting gallery .com
My giveaway will be open until the 15 of this month.
Open to the USA and Canada only. Sorry but i can't handle the cost of overseas postage right now. with 24 grands to buy something for christmas.
"giveaway " click on the giveaway to go to the page for all the names of bloggers that are having giveaway for this party. 4 fat quarters of good quilters fabric. 2 of these are batik of course if you follow you get another chance.
There are more than 150 blogger already signed up to post giveaways for the 5th blog hop party!
I am asking you who visit my blog to follow me but you don't have to. Just one comment and i will pull the winner on the 15. i will post the winner that day and send a e-mail. As usual 3 days and i draw another.
So get your comments in folks! You have 6 days to win. I will be entering all that i can in the hopes of winning too. Have a good time and good luck. Quilt Happy

It's time for quilting gallery's 5th birthday of blog hop party's and i am in!! or go to quilting gallery .com
My giveaway will be open until the 15 of this month.
Open to the USA and Canada only. Sorry but i can't handle the cost of overseas postage right now. with 24 grands to buy something for christmas.
"giveaway " click on the giveaway to go to the page for all the names of bloggers that are having giveaway for this party. 4 fat quarters of good quilters fabric. 2 of these are batik of course if you follow you get another chance.
There are more than 150 blogger already signed up to post giveaways for the 5th blog hop party!
I am asking you who visit my blog to follow me but you don't have to. Just one comment and i will pull the winner on the 15. i will post the winner that day and send a e-mail. As usual 3 days and i draw another.
So get your comments in folks! You have 6 days to win. I will be entering all that i can in the hopes of winning too. Have a good time and good luck. Quilt Happy

Friday, December 7, 2012
Hi friends!
Cloudy today!
I am is working on our quilt, trying quilting 6 blocks at one time instead of 3 and see how that works. I have it ready to pin and will quilt it later.
I am addicted to making these tiny ornaments. The tree's you have to wait for the glue to fix but all the rest don't take any time at all. Great thing to do when 'watching ' t v.
My fridge was suppose to be delivered yesterday, but they called and said they had dented it so we told them to get is one without a dent. They called today and wanted our card no. again. So we called and cancelled now we will have to wait until it shows up on our card before we get another one.
Maybe it's best to get one close to home , less change of a dent!!!
When we had our 5 year freezer looked at he said the way they made them now a dent could really mess up one. For 1500.00 dollars you want one to last longer then 5 years.
Well got to get to work on my quilt. Have a great sewing day
Quilt Happy
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Coke ornaments
Hi friends!
Beautiful day!
Do you like my coke ornament's?
I collected those for years and then they got hard to find. I haven't looked for a while, i know walmart doesn't carry them. K-mart used to but they closed down the k-mart's around here.
Yesterday i cooked a roast in the crookpot and them made creamed potatoes and corn bread to go with it. Today we are going to have hot roast beef sandwiches for supper. and then if there is any left i will make beef stew. That is stretching your buck isn't it.
That's the problem when you cook for two. To many left overs!! The dogs get a lot but hubby is picky about what he feeds our dogs. No chicken bones!!! Or turkey!! Of course Copper swallows every thing whole so he doesn't need chicken bones. They would stick somewhere in him and cause problems.
I have seen him swallow a whole weenier with out taking one bite.
They like to eat out of my hand and they never bite me.
Got to get to work sewing. Love to all of you and merry Christmas. Quilt Happy
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Our quilt
Hi friends!
Cloudy today!
I know that first picture looks like pin wheels but i assure you it is the envelope block or i have seen it called 'broken dishes'.
I changed the way i am putting it together. I changed my batting to a 80% cotton so i want to put the part with that batting where it will warm us when it is on us. Does that make any sense? I am hoping that i can use the cotton in these and put some border around to make it big enough to cover us and then use the other blocks that i have made to make a border around the edges. Maybe on both sides and on the bottom.
We will see as i go along!!! I change things all the time.
See my little ornament. It looks better on the tree and shows up better in natural light.
Well if i am going to get any thing done i had better start!!
Have a great sewing day. Quilt Happy
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Hi friends!
Beautiful here today!
I am making that pattern called 'sugar plum medallions' The top o.f the package says 'may blossom' by Simone Gooding.
They are so cute and just what you need for some hand sewing
My back is better this morning but it was terrible last night. So i sat and did three of these.
I won the pattern from 'imagine gnat' and Ballarat patchwork sent them to me.
It came from Australia in about a week. I was so glad it got here fast because i wanted to make some for my tree.
It calls for wool felt but all i could find at jo-anns was plain felt and it's not wool. Does any one know where you get wool felt? You just need small pieces so i wouldn't want to by a yard if that how you buy it.
It's hard to get a good picture of it with out washing it out.
They are the sweetest things ornaments to hang on your tree.
I wasn't thou with the mushroom because it calls for a couple of small flowers under the mushroom.
Got to get busy. Have a great sewing day. Quilt Happy
Monday, December 3, 2012
Hi friends!
Beautiful day 70 something degrees !
I have this pillow for 'a' made the stars sparkle and i hope she likes it.
I am working on another for 'k' and i will post later on this week about it. That will be one pillow for each under aged grand.
The old marrieds get blankets for their baby's and a hand made quilt.
I have been making quilt's for years but while i was working i would buy panels at walmart and sew a binding or a ruffle on it.
Some 18 years old's, that i made one for their mother's before they were born, still has theirs.
Haven't done much on my quilt lately but i have made some more blocks.
Hurt my back mopping the house last friday and mostly i am sitting down. It's hard to sew when you can't get up and move around.
Have a great one Quilt Happy
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Blog hop
Hi friends!
Beautiful day!
Don't forgot our blog hop with giveaways that starts dec. 10 Help us make the 5th birthday of quilt .
Help us make this blog hop something special.
Lot and lots of giveaways to enter.
Our country side is beautiful! I love ga.'s valleys
And i put this picture on before but didn't explain that it is 'sew be it' our closest quilt shop and its nearly an hour from me.
Have a great week end and get lots of sewing done. Quilt Happy
Friday, November 30, 2012
fabric! And blog hop
Look at all this great fabric that
i got at inchworm fabric!
And at a great price. 8 fat quarters , a charm pack and a yard for binding and it was just a little over 20 dollars. She has great fabric!!! Check her shop out!!!!
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i made all my kids and sis-in-laws some |
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years ago and this is all i keep. |
Don't forget this!!!!! A blog party for the 5year birthday of quilting gallery blog party's.
It will be a ball folks! We get to meet new bloggers and maybe win some booty!!! I starts on the 10th of Dec.
Have a great sewing day Quilt Happy
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