
Friday, May 11, 2012

this and that

hi friends it's good to be here again.  when you are 70 it's always good to wake up in the morning. hubby and i have the best life. we are retired so we get up and drink a pot of coffee then we eat breakfast and start our day doing the things that we love.
me ,sewing and reading blogs, him working in the yard. i used to try to help him in the yard but he has his way and i had mine and they didn't mesh. so i take care of the flowers and he takes care of the yard.
we share the garden and when he can't work out side he watches t v , i hate t v!!!!
it's alright now and then but i prefer my computer and my sewing machine.
when i get off the treadmill at night i go into the living room and read or crochet and get the high lights of the news.
my quilt , i had to take some time away because it was getting on my nerves, is doing much better. i have 4 rows sewn on and i am back to cutting out granny squares again.i think i will need at least 3 mores rows for a good big queen size.
at least my daughter wont have a fit if something is not just right. she loves me..
and no body is perfect right?
my quilt is not going to be perfect. but it will be made with love and sweat and tears.
lots of tears .
well got to get back to making granny squares
happy quilting             quilt happy


Jan Maree said...

Your flowers are looking pretty, glad to her that your quilt is working out

Mayleen said...

Those lilacs are so pretty! Hang in there with your quilt, quilting is often therapy for me unless I'm working on a deadline, like now. Our emotions are stitched in the quilt as much as our time.