
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

the yard

hi Friends.   it's good to talk to you again, feeling really good this day but i wish my quilt could say the same.  it is fighting me !!! i have already had to take jack the ripper to it and all i have sewed on it is two straight lines down on the side.
see my yard is doing good with these every few days showers, and i just had to show you the view from my kitchen window over the sink. makes washing dishes a whole lot easier .  i have a dish washer but as few dishes as me and hubby messes up i don't even try to use it . they say to save water fill it full. but if you put dishes in there for two meals and then open to put more in it will know your head off and that i can't stand!!!! .
as much as i hate too i must go back to work on my quilt , just have 2 1/2 weeks till her birthday.
good sewing            quilt happy


Jan Maree said...

sorry to hear that your quilt is giving you trouble - good luck!

tubilinha tiacarminha said...

Estas plantas verdes com bordas brancas eu só vejo em blog internacionais,nunca vi aqui no Brasil.Suas plantas estam lindas.Beijo.