
Friday, April 27, 2012


whoopee!!! we had one inch of rain in the rain gauge  at 6:00 and it rained some more after that. my garden just loved it.
my yellow flags are now blooming and next will be the white.
i made 5 more granny squares today. and sewed my saching on 6 squares just to see how many it will take to cover a queen sized bed  and 6 it is.  i have 30 squares made so far...
that pot holder is big, it's almost a cushion . i guess i will keep that one to.

made  my baby a sugar free cake, he would rather have one of those as  than have one with sugar in it.  they make great pound cakes. i doubt if it's less fating but you feel better eating it.

 love this rain. it was so hot and sticky before it rained.  one year ago today was when we had those awful storms that killed so many near us.. i think it was 34 people that lost their life that day  just in our state, we sat glued to the tv all day, they hit early  in the morning and  late in the after noon . we will always remember that day. hundreds died in alabama.
 have a good sewing weekend  good nite friends     quilt happy


Jan Maree said...

three cheers for the rain - so glad there was no repetition of last year's rain

Doniene said...

Yeah for rain!!! We're still waiting for ours here in Central Texas. Praying you don't get any bad storms!

Have a great weekend!