
Monday, March 12, 2012

my sewing room without the sewing machine, but not for long.  last year my oldest grandson and his wife got me those fab bowls and i love them.  and my garden last year it wont be long friends till we will have fresh produce from the garden. a few month. we can get garden tomatoes in may from a place down the road. they farm the river bottom and they plant earlier than we do. our red clay wont dry out for a while . hubby worked on cleaning out our garden last week and then cut down a tree and got his neck hurting again. so lately i have been  rubbing him down with bio-freeze every few hours. we may be getting old... you think?  my uncle died sunday, we went to see him friday so i was not surprised. he was just 5 years older than me and hubby but lived a hard drinking life. but you never know when your time will come. to change the subject... we had a good time at our birthday dinner , my brothers son-in-law was in the hospital so they brought the grandkids and that always livens up a party . we had a lot of funn trying to keep up with them .it was just warm enough for them to run and play in the yard. and of course the men talked nascar and the wonen ran after the kids.  a good time was had by all... love you'll good nite friends

1 comment:

Doniene said...

Beautiful bowls!! I see why you like them so much!! Your garden looks great - I'm sure this years will be wonderful too! I'm getting started on mine too!