
Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Cutting T-shirts

Hi friends!
Lots of pretty shirts to use in Mia's quilt.
Almost a Top!
These are getting taller!
We went early this morning to buy groceries and Walmart says every one wear a mask! Very few was, all the workers were but the rest just didn't care. My cousin is a little better , his wife said they were going to give him
Plasma hoping to get him well.  So we are praying for him.
Hopefully things will get better soon and this goes away but the Spanish flu was here two years killing people.
My haul from the garden this morning.  We planted  two low acid tomato plants, the yellow one's, for Tommy's stomach. Only two little orka's but it's blooming like crazy now.
By next week should have a mess!
Stay safe


Chatty Crone said...

Your t-shirt quilt is going to turn out wonderful - I know she will love it.
The veterans quilt almost done - have you decided who the quilt will go to?
You garden is going to explode soon.
We had a thunderstorm today - did you?
Stay safe and hope your cousin gets well.

sewyouquilt2 said...

Prayers for your cousin. Your quilts are looking good as is your garden bounty. Tomatoes!Yum

mamasmercantile said...

Love the idea of a t shirt quilt. Lots of produce from the garden, it is such a joy to pick and eat your own. A reward for all the hard work.

Julierose said...

You have a pretty selection of tee shirt colors to work with--it should turn out beautifully.
Yellow tomatoes are so sweet--we love them...
Your Vet quilt is looking really great...nice work...
hugs from our humid shoreline Julierose
P.S. Sending prayers too

Needled Mom said...

It always seems like the garden pops all at once. Have fun with the t shirts.

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Nice Vet Quilt. Do you have a use for the rest of the T-Shirt after you cut off what you are using on the quilt? I used mine for rags. I think if I do another one, I'll use what's left over to make one of those jackets where you sew the seems together on the outside.
xx, Carol